There & Back Again - Riding the Trans Continental Divide
/In the beginning….
Attending a Horizons Unlimited rally in Mariposa CA, Tammy Perry and Craig MacLaine became good friends and shared an unusual connection: Tammy’s boyfriend attended the same childhood school as Craig did - In New Zealand! (You’d think it would be long distance riding, right?)
Soon they were riding together, and in 2016 Tammy invited Craig on a Continental Divide Ride with 2 other women. Craig set aside 20 days to ride up north and tag along with them in Montana, however fate intervened and Craig found himself on the side of the road in Idaho with a shattered Femur after colliding with a Deer.
Undeterred, Tammy and Craig hatched a plan to ride the Trans American Trail. Due to Craigs leg not healing properly (and remaining a non-Union fracture) the plan evolved into their own adventure. They modified the ride with fun country highways and byways across the US and Canada and being open to new experiences and meeting cool people.
Final plans firmed up and they have now embarked on a ride from Sacramento California to Newfoundland and back, avoiding Interstates. Their journey will last approximately 60 days as they ride their 650 Singles.
Craig Maclaine
So who am I? Well I’m a Kiwi the emigrated to the US after meeting a lovely woman and talented artist in India who happened to be from Sacramento (that’s a whole other story). I had always had a passion for travel and my favorite personal transport mode has always been a motorcycle from the first time as a child when threw a leg over a Kawasaki 80 trail bike.
I’ve since ridden in several countries around the world on everything from 50cc to 1200cc Machines, I have learnt the best bike in the world is the bike that transports you through wanderlust and carries you towards life broadening if not life changing experiences.
For me touring around Nepal on a Yamaha RX100 was a far greater experience than riding a friends Vincent Black Shadow, but I’m glad I’ve done both and much more on these beloved 2 wheels motorized contraptions.
Tammy Perry
In early 2014, I quit my job, sold and gave away everything I owned and set forth on the life adventure of becoming location independent.
“You only are free when you realize you belong no place — you belong every place — no place at all.”——Maya Angelou
I would hereby like to coin the term “Homefull” to describe my location independence! Not homeless. Homefull. It’s about thinking of yourself as part of a unified engine for creating a better world and a better future for humanity. It’s about resisting everything that divides us and uniting beyond petty ideas of borders, nationalities and religions.
What do I stand for? Peace, understanding, collaboration, multiculturalism, lifelong learning, love, epic adventures, acceptance, and all of this, right now, in this moment.
“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” – Aesop
Location Independence
It’s a lifestyle I chose to have more freedom in my work, and life. Being location independent means that I am not tied to any one place in order to work or receive an income. Since most of my work skills revolve around the internet, the easiest way for me to become independent of a working location is by taking my work online. Thousands of people are now doing this with their careers, allowing them more freedom to move and travel around the world as they work.
I am deeply involved in a project called "Life in Sight: Find your purpose, live your passion." It's an online course that helps us folks who are in transition to get our lives in order and figure out where we should be going, and why. While Craig and I travel the continent from West to East, and then from East to West, I'll be interviewing people, to find out how they ended up doing what they are doing, and what they would be doing if they could.
I'm excited to be a part of Craig's epic reunion with motorcycle travel, and all the adventures we'll encounter along the way. If anyone wants to learn more about my project, you can get more information at I'll be writing insider stories weekly. :)
Packed and ready to go!
Check out Tammy and Craig’s social media accounts for updates on their adventures:
Craig Maclaine Facebook:
Craig Maclaine Instagram:
Tammy Perry Facebook:
Tammy Perry’s project:
We’re hoping the wind will be at their back the whole way!